According to the American Psychological Association, Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a counseling treatment that is effective for treating a range of problems including depression, anxiety disorders, alcohol and drug use problems, marital problems, eating disorders and severe mental illness. CBT has been widely studied, with results demonstrating its ability to improve many symptoms of various disorders. Research has shown CBT to be more effective than other types of therapies and psychiatric medications.
CBT is based on several core principles, including:
Disturbances in mental health are, in part, based on distorted or maladaptive ways of thinking.
Disturbances in mental health are, in part, created by learned patterns of unhelpful behavior.
Positive coping skills can help a person manage disturbances and improve daily functioning.
Identifying distortions in thinking, challenging them, and offering alternative, more useful options.
Increasing knowledge and use of healthy coping skills.
Learn and practice healthy behaviors and implement behaviors in daily life.
Practice relaxation strategies to reduce stress.
“Homework” is given to clients to help change or reframe their thoughts, emotions and behaviors.
In CBT, emphasis is on present day concerns in a client’s life, rather than past contributors to their difficulties. Some background information is collected, but the focus is primarily on moving forward.
Let's Talk
The first step in therapy is talking. Let's find a time when we can meet and talk about what's on your mind.